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Thursday, December 22, 2011

And we're off...

It's with great pleasure that write this first post and launch the Glue Blog.

When I was approached by GRANDBAR and asked to put together a new Tuesday night party for them I knew right away that I was being given an opportunity to showcase a lot of the music that I simply don't get to play out very often.  I also saw it as a chance to provide like-minded DJs and producers a forum to do the same.

The response to the party so far has been really inspiring and it was amazing to spend the first night listening to some great music with some of my absolute favorite people on the scene.

It's been a lot of fun for me to put together the list of links for this page, I hope you'll take a minute to check out the artists and labels that are listed here and that you find a few things to love, I'll do my best to continue to add to this list.  I also welcome comments and suggestions as I'm always on the lookout for a new obsession.

See you on Tuesday nights!



P.S. - here is my latest mix of Glue-worthy tracks.  Enjoy!

gluepreview by weaplovesyou